I use my bench vise a lot. It's useful. I had it nailed to a piece of board though, which wasn't as solid as I want it to be . I've decided to make a dedicated little bench for it (re-using the board). Because I don't want to get a whole table for it + because I want it to be portable. My bench vise is an old wilton. Probably from the 50s or something. It's nice. Made in the USA, not china.
This is what I'll be using to mount the bench vise to the 2x12. No reason to use those anchor bolts other than that I had a bunch. |
Before I do anything I want to reinforce the board so it doesn't crack in the middle. It's going to get beat on a lot. I added a strap on both ends. |
Found an old wood drill bit. It should work to drill the mounting holes. |
Holes are in place. |
Everything fits! |
Might as well clean/paint it before I bolt it up. Cleaning with simple green. |
It's easy to take apart. |
Self etching primer. |