I was planning for a while to fix this cheap little hammer. 'Made in taiwan' tools are never any good. My intent here is to use "J-B weld" to 'glue' the head back on. I got out a mixing stick (pencil) and a brush to clean off the surface that I'll be gluing.
Got out some random cleaner to clean up the hammer shaft, it looked gross.
As I was cleaning it I noticed there were rust spots. Hate rust. Might as well paint this shaft really quick.
Got to sand it first to make the paint stick on good.
Used some acetone to clean the dust/paint off after sanding it. Honestly, I just love the smell of acetone and use any excuse to bring it out.
This is the paint I'll be using. No real reason to use this specific one other than that it is for metal. I also like rust-oleum paints.
Painted it, waiting for it to dry.
Maybe I'll clean and spice up the handle while the paint is drying.
The J-B weld glued itself shut. I had to put some pliers around it to get it to open.
Poked a hole so that stuff would come out.
Mixing the j-b weld in equal parts.
Think I used too much. Also, I cleaned off the paint from the very edge. J-B weld sticks better to metal than to paint.
Definitely too much. Using a knife to get rid of the extra stuff squeezing out.
I want the handle to stick better so I used some electrical tape. The paint + electrical tape should be thick enough to give the handle some good grip.
Had some concerns about moisture getting into the handle so i put some RTV in there to close the gap between handle and shaft.
In 24 hours, after the J-B weld cures, this hammer will be as good as new.