Friday, May 28, 2010

Trying to fix a swifter

Swifter thing broke. I had taped it before and that held for some time, but now it's really broke. I like this swifter, it's light and agile. Time to fix.


So this is the stuff in it. Kind of complicated for just a swifter mop. The two plastic pieces snapped off.

The last time I fixed it I just put some paper inside and then taped it on the outside. I don't want to have it break again. I'll try using this metal clamp. I have a lot of these laying around because I take them off cars and replace them with the stock spring hose clamps.  Like these:

The ones with the bolts don't allow the rubber hoses to expand the way those spring ones do.

Clamp didn't work as well as I wanted it too. I imagined that it'd compress the aluminum shaft and clamp the handle on, but it wasn't strong enough. Option B. Old bike inner tube. Here I was going to test if I could melt the rubber over a candle light. Thought that would give me a tighter seal.

Made a mess. Guess that bike tire had some tire sealant in it. It wasn't me that put it into it. I hate tire sealant. It never works and just makes it more dangerous to drive (going to pop at the worst time!). Plus it can screw over the electronics inside new rims, like pressure sensors and such. That's more of on cars though. Sweet army radio box or something there on the side. I keep rubbery hoses and inner tire tubes in it.

Cut a piece of the tire and squeezed it in. Looks like it's holding good.

I already have the handle out. I'm going to try to melt that rubber in there.

Cut off the extra rubber hanging outside and I'm done. This feels solid, better than original! If it breaks again, I'm throwing it away.

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